Wednesday, July 24, 2013

LARRY!! 7.5.13

So call me a bad mother because I let Madylin watch TV. It started when I found this adorable channel called Baby First TV. It is 24 hours a day and no commercials. They have programs about animals, letters, colors, singing, music and just anything you can think of that would entertain a baby. In the winter Mady had 6-7 nebulizer treatments a day and I felt so bad that she was bored. I never felt bad about letting her watch Baby First TV. The programs are nothing like the ones on Disney channel or Nickelodeon. There is one program called VocabuLarry. It is about a parrot who learns basic vocabulary words. It is an adorable program with a super cute opening song. Mady loves it! When the song comes on it is all eyes on VocabuLarry!! Patrick surprised Mady by ordering a stuffed animal Larry for Madylin. It was even a surprise to me! Patrick told Mady that he ordered it for her because she is such a good girl. So cute! Here are pictures of Mady getting Larry! Also if you want to check out Larry here is a link:
 Mady! You got mail!
 "I didn't know I was getting mail! What could it be?"
 "Let's open it and find out!"

 "Mom! It's Larry!!!"

 "Oh my gosh. VocabuLarry!!"

 I think that Mady likes her very own VocabuLarry!


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