Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Rody Craze! 9.14.13

The Rody Craze! 
Every time we get to go to Gigi's Playhouse it is a good time! One of my last posts I posted about "The Rody Craze" and how Madylin and I found a bunch of these horses for Madylin's friends. Today we were especially excited to go to Gigi's Playhouse to give some friends their Rody horses. :)
 Madylin's Rody horse is the light pink one. We brought the red one for friend Veronica, purple one for friend, Annie, green one for friend, Remy, and other green one for friend Ryan.
 Kaytlin, Madylin, and Sean

 Madylin, Sean, and Kaytlin practicing 4-point
 Madylin bearing weight on her arms-very rare as she absolutely hates this!!
 Mady, Sean, and Kaytlin


 Pretty Kaytlin!
 Smiley Sean
 Madylin, Sean, and Claire
 Good Friends!! Kaytlin, Remy, Claire, Sean, and Madylin
 Kaytlin, Remy, Claire, Sean, and Madylin
 Kaytlin, Remy, Claire, Sean, and Madylin
 Remy & Claire
 Besties Kaytlin & Madylin
 Kaytlin on her Rody horse! (I found this one on an Elmhurst Swap Page. The lady gave it to me for free when I told her what I was using it for. :) )
 Kaytlin loves her Rody!!
 Madylin gave Remy this one since his birthday was coming up! :)
 Kaytlin, Sean, and Remy on their Rodys!
 Kaytlin, Sean, and Remy on their Rodys! 
  Kaytlin, Sean, and Remy on their Rodys!

 Madylin, Kaytlin, Sean, and Remy on their Rodys
One of the moms narrated this picture as:
Kaytlin starting a domino, Sean trying to fend her off, Remy looking very concerned about being at the bottom of a dog pile, and Mady laughing her buns off at it all!
  Madylin, Kaytlin, Sean, and Remy on their Rodys
 Happy Friends on their Rody horses-Madylin, Kaytlin, Sean, Remmy, and Claire.
 Madylin and her bestie, Kaytlin, riding their Rody horses.

 Remy & Claire

 Veronica practicing walking and Mady practicing standing.
 Veronica & Sean

 Besties Ryan and Parker riding Rody
 Ryan & Parker
 Sean, Kaytlin, and Parker
 Ryan doesn't want to leave his Rody for the parachute.
 Remy & Claire
 Giuliana & Madylin
  Giuliana & Madylin
 Madylin & Veronica
  Madylin & Veronica
 Sean, Kaytlin, and Parker
 One of my favorite pictures EVER!!! This picture has 6 of the Rody's we found! Sean and Claire are borrowing theirs from their Occupational Therapists.
 Sean & Claire
 Veronica & Kaytlin
 Remy, Sean, and Claire
 Kaytlin and Claire practicing standing.
 Always such happy times at Gigi's Playhouse!!


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