Sunday, November 10, 2013


Throughout the month of September there were a lot of birthdays for friends and family. Madylin sent them all birthday messages! :)
 September 5
 September 8
 September 16
 September 18
 September 20
September 20

Edwards Apple Orchard 9.29.13

Edwards Apple Orchard  
Today we met Madylin's friend, Lucas, and new friends Jax & Caleb at Edwards Apple Orchard in Rockford. We traveled out this way to meet new friends (Jax & Caleb) that attend the Gigi's Playhouse in Rockford. Jax & Caleb were younger than Lucas and Mady and were content relaxing in their strollers while Lucas and Mady explored Edwards Apple Orchard.
 Lucas and Madylin hanging out on the porch of the house they "bought." (Their was this cute little house in the play area so Lucas' mom, Lizette, and I joked that Lucas and Madylin bought the house together.)

 Oh my goodness! Madylin's first ride on a pony. I was so excited for her!! Her friend Lucas was right behind her riding along too.
 It looks like Madylin loves it!!
 Lucas and his mom, Lizette

 Wagon ride!
Love this picture! Lizette is such a great mom to Lucas and friend to me. I am so lucky to have met her at Gigi's Playhouse. She is so helpful and supportive when I have questions or need help with something. Plus I just adore her son Lucas!! :)

U of I Tailgating 9.28.13

U of I Tailgating
The tradition continues! Every fall we tailgate for a football game for the University of Illinois. This was Mady's second tailgate. This year Granadine came with us! Of course Grandpa & Grandma Koehn, Uncle Dave, Aunt Heather, Aunt Kristine, and Cousins Macey & Cooper were there. It was a beautiful day but VERY windy!! It was a really bad day for me to wear a hair tie around my wrist!!
 Madylin with her Uncle Dave, Aunt Heather, and Cousins Macey & Cooper
 Madylin & Uncle Dave
 Cousin Macey, Madylin, and Uncle Dave
 "Uncle Dave, stop tickling me!!"
 Aunt "Lizzy" and Macey
 Cousins hanging out
 Macey reading to Madylin
 Hanging out with two of my favorite little girls
 Grandma Koehn with Madylin & Cooper
 Grandpa Koehn, Cooper, Madylin, and Grandma Koehn
 Madylin taking a ride with Dominic
 Madylin & Aunt Heather
 Cousins Dominic & Cooper going for a ride in Mady's wagon
 Macey goofing around with her Uncle
 Helping Macey practice writing her name
 Grandpa Koehn & Madylin
 "I love you Grandpa!"
 Macey proudly showing her name
 Macey coloring with Granadine
 Tailgating 2013
 Uncle Pat & Cooper
 Macey helping feed Madylin her dinner
 Cooper decides he is going to help too!
 Cooper & Madylin