Saturday, December 1, 2012

Thanksgiving 11.22.12

Madylin's First Thanksgiving!!
"Auntie Becca made me a little turkey treat for my 1st Thanksgiving!!"

"While Granadine and Mommy and preparing all the food I get to eat avocados with Auntie Hannah!"

Everyone is arriving!! Cousin Kim gets to hold Madylin first! She did after all make a reservation!

Second Cousins Ella and Abryanna come to see Mady.

Cousins Luther and Zachary. Luther didn't want to look at the camera!

These two look like they are up to no good!! :)

Oh there you are Luther!

Cousin Kara and Barry drove down from Michigan this year. It was so fun having them here with their two girls Abryanna and Ella.

The guys

Cousin Kim having a good time as always!

Joe cooking some turkey breasts on the grill.

Cousins Peter, Tim, Abryanna, and Abby hanging out in the driveway on a beautiful 60 degree day!

Cousins Ellie, Mina, and Will playing on a broken swing...don't worry they were being supervised by Ellie and Will's mom! :)

Cousins Ellie, Mina, and Abraham.

Cousins Will and Ellie swinging around!

Due to the number of guests in the Pahnke House the kids had their own table this year!!

Cousins Abby, Abryanna, Ella, and Ellie.

The hustle and bustle of the kitchen on Thanksgiving!!

Who can find the classic Becca face??

Bill presents the ham!

Dishing out the food for the kids.

Uncle Bill and Grandpahnke!

An old time family favorite-Cousins Josh and Peter wrestling! This used to happen every Thanksgiving and every other family gathering!!

I think Cousin Peter was declared the winner!

The kids dig in!

Madylin siting in between her second cousins, Will and Abby at the kids table on her first Thanksgiving!

Mommy and Mady.

Second cousins Mady and Abby.

Joe's got the TURKEY!!

Mady looks like she is going to grab those sweet potatoes!!

Let the feast begin!! At a Pahnke Thanksgiving once you are in your chair you are pretty much trapped so this is the only angle I could get of the feast!

Mady and Daddy

Second Cousins Madylin and Carson playing together.

"Oh finally! I get to eat! What is on the menu for today?" Mady tires yellow squash for the FIRST time!!

Second cousins Mady and Abby

Second cousins Mady and Abryanna.

Second cousins, Mady and Ellie.

The rock star dish washers-Hannah and Heather!

Family time!

A little tired turkey...

Cousin Samuel trying to avoid my pictures!! :)

Second generation cousins-Will, Abraham, Jacob, Abby, and Ella.

Second generation cousins-Abraham, Will,  Jacob, Abby, and Ella, and Abryanna.

Second generation cousins-Abraham, Will,  Jacob, Abby, and Ella, and Abryanna, Mina, and Ellie.

As many second generation cousins as I could bribe with Root Beer to be in the picture! (Front: Abraham, Zachary, Jacob, Abby, Ella, Abryanna, Luther. Back: Will, Ellie, and Mina) Mady was sleeping and we couldn't get Samuel to join the picture!

Cousin Sarah included Baby Boy Kreuzer who is due in January!

The cousins drinking Root Beer as a reward for letting me take the picture! :)

Zach and Patrick having a conversation! :)

Cousin Crystal and Mady.

Great Aunt Ellen with Mady.

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